What is the ideal posture or stabilization?

There are so many opinions out there about “core stability” and “proper posture” but what is really the ideal way to do it?  Some people were taught to suck in their belly, or some were taught to brace their superficial abdominal muscles as hard as they can.

But have you thought of posture or stabilization as something that is programmed into our brain when we were babies?  If that is the case, what could be more ideal than something that is programmed into every human being? 

DNS, or Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization, uses the principles of Developmental Kinesiology (how a baby moves in its first year of life) to establish proper stabilization in the trunk. No one teaches a baby how to stabilize, move, and eventually walk, but there is a specific order in which they develop that is standard in every person (i.e. developmental milestones) with proper stabilization of the trunk occurring at about 3 months. 

At Central PT we will teach you the proper posture and way to stabilize your trunk according to DNS principles. There is a way to apply this now to your adult body, since this motor program is already inside your brain –  it just needs to be tapped into again.


- Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS)

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